PKC’s acquisition of Groclin’s Wiring and Control business is completed on 1st July 2015
PKC Group announced on 13 February 2015 that it had signed a contract to buy the rolling stock electrical distribution system business (Wiring & Controls business) of Groclin S.A. Group, a company listed on the Warsaw stock exchange. The deal includes Kabel-Technik-Polska Sp. z o. o. (‘KTP’) operating in Poland, which at the time of the closing will own the entire Wiring & Controls business of Groclin S.A. Group. The requirements of closing have been fulfilled and the closing will become effective and ownership and control will transfer on 1 July 2015.
More info about the acquisition in the Wiring & Controls business of Grocling S.A. Acquisition 2015 - presentation (February, 2015)