About PKC Group


Any questions, concerns or complaints regarding PKC Group's corporate responsibility can be addressed via below email. Each topic will be reviewed and investigated thoroughly by PKC's corporate responsibility team.

corporate.responsibility (at) motherson.com

Conflict Mineral reporting requests:

conflictminerals (at) motherson.com

Policies and Guide­lines

PKC Group expects employees to comply with the highest ethical standards in all activities with customers, suppliers, the public sector, the general public and other relevant stakeholder groups. Compliance with legislation, regulation, and international norms form the backbone of the Group´s operations. PKC´s operations are also guided by the Motherson Group´s Code of Conduct (link to website) and PKC Group Business Ethics Policy. The Code of Conduct and Business Ethics Policy set principles for ethical business conduct and are based on the highest ethical standards.

PKC´s customers and suppliers are also expected to adhere to the highest ethical standards. PKC Group requires that its next tier suppliers and subcontractors acknowledge and implement relevant Code of Conduct and Business Ethics requirements.

In addition to the Code of Conduct and Business Ethics policy, PKC also applies the following policies to confirm that its operations are sustainable and meet the expectations of PKC´s stakeholders:

In addition to these policies, PKC´s activities have been certified based on the ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 quality and environmental standards as well as the automotive industry´s IATF 16949 quality standard. Certain locations have also been certified in accordance with the OHSAS 18001 occupational health and safety system standard.

PKC is also committed to conducting its operations in line with the ILO Core Conventions on Labour Standards and the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises.